By: CS2103T W13-4

1. Introduction

Budget Buddy is an all-in-one expense tracking application for students from the School of Computing (SoC) at the National University of Singapore (NUS) who prefer to use a desktop app to manage their expenses. More importantly, Budget Buddy is optimized for those who prefer to work with a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). If you type fast, Budget Buddy can get your expense management tasks done faster than traditional GUI apps. Furthermore, Budget Buddy allows users with computing know-how to add their own functions through customized JavaScript files, as well as set rules to simplify expense tracking through automation.

This user guide provides in-depth documentation of Budget Buddy’s current and upcoming features. It also includes the setup process and answers some commonly asked questions. For the hands-on person, check out the Quick Start section right below.

2. Quick Start

Ensure that Java 11 is installed on your system.

Download the latest version of Budget Buddy here.

Place the budgetbuddy.jar file in your desired home folder. This folder will contain all data saved into Budget Buddy.

Double click the budgetbuddy.jar file to launch Budget Buddy.

Launching for the first time

  • A default account will be created.

  • Type txn dn/out x/100 d/This is my first transaction! to add a new spending.

  • To view your accounts, type account list

  • To view other available commands, type help

If the application does not run, follow the instructions below based on your operating system:

  • Mac/Linux:

    • Launch Terminal

    • Navigate to the home folder where budgetbuddy.jar is, using the cd command, e.g. cd ~/Documents/BudgetBuddy

    • Execute the jar file using java -jar budgetbuddy.jar

  • Windows:

    • Launch Cmd, or Windows' Command Prompt

    • Navigate to the home folder where budgetbuddy.jar is, using the cd command, e.g. cd Documents\BudgetBuddy

    • Execute the jar file using java -jar budgetbuddy.jar

3. Getting Started

Welcome to the Budget Buddy User Guide! You can scroll down to get an in-depth look at each of Budget Buddy’s features, or jump straight to a specific section from the Table of Contents above.

4. Features

Budget Buddy comes with many tools to help you manage your expenses better. You can create different accounts, record your transactions, track money you owe people or that people owe to you, and even instantly split a bill between you and your friends!

What’s more? Automate processes with rules. Typing the same description for transactions again and again? Set the description of a transaction automatically by using a keyword! Sort your spendings into different categories automatically! Automate everything!

If you know how to code in JavaScript, there’s great news for you too. Write and evaluate your own scripts within Budget Buddy. Do complicated things in a snap. You can even integrate your scripts into your own custom rules!

Before diving into the commands you can execute in Budget Buddy, you should first familiarize yourself with the syntax that will be used throughout this guide.

Command Format

  • Commands start with a category, and a command type usually follows, e.g. rule add

  • Words written using <> brackets are parameters to be supplied by the user.

  • Parameters within [] brackets are optional and can be omitted.

  • | indicates that a choice must be made between multiple parameters.

  • …​ indicates a variable number (at least 1) of the specified parameter.

Budget Buddy also comes with various keyboard shortcuts for a better user experience with the CLI.

Shortcut Purpose


Executes the help command, details of which can be found here


Switches focus to the input text box


Switches the current active tab to the next tab in the list


( Loan tab only ) Switches between the loan list and split list, more details here

From this point on, each of Budget Buddy’s commands will be discussed in detail.

4.1. Viewing help: help

This command opens a window containing a link to this user guide, which can be useful should you ever forget how to execute a certain command.

Format: help

4.2. Managing transactions: txn

Figure 1. Transactions in the transaction tab

Transactions form the core of Budget Buddy. They can be used to track any purchases you make, or any money that you receive. Transactions can further be filtered by various criteria, if you want to find out how much money you’ve spent in a certain time period, or in a certain category of spending.

4.2.1. Add a transaction: txn out|in

This command will add a new transaction of the specified amount and with the given description.

Format: txn dn/out|in x/<amount> d/<description> [a/<account>] [c/<category>] [w/<date>]


  • txn dn/out x/3 d/apples a/food c/fruits w/5/4/2019

  • txn dn/in x/50 d/pocket money a/school

  • The account provided has to be created before transactions can be added to it.

  • If the account is not given, the transaction is added to the active account.

  • If the category is not given, the transaction is not categorized.

  • If the date is not given, the date is set to the current date.

4.2.2. Edit a transaction: txn edit

This command will edit the specified transaction, setting the specified fields. At least one field should be provided for editing.

Format: txn edit <id> dn/out|in [x/<amount>] [d/<description>] [a/<account>] [c/<category>] [w/<date>]


  • txn edit 1 x/50 d/apple juice c/groceries

  • txn edit 4 a/personal

  • The new edited transaction should have at least 1 field different from the previous transaction.

  • If another account is provided, that account must exist first.

  • If another account is provided, that account will be set to the new active account.

4.2.3. Delete a transaction: txn delete

This command will delete the transaction with the specified ID in the displayed list of transactions.

Format: txn delete <id>


  • txn delete 3

4.2.4. List transaction(s): 'txn list'

This will list the transactions from the currently active account, and you can optionally filter/sort them as well.

Format: txn list [c/category] [f/from date] [u/until date] [af/from amount] [au/until amount] [d/description] [s/aw|dw|ax|dx|ad|dd]


  • txn list c/food u/10/4/2019 af/5 au/10 d/fruits s/ad

The explanation of the sorting abbreviations following s/ are as follows:

  • aw: Sort the transactions by ascending date.

  • dw: Sort the transactions by descending date.

  • ax: Sort the transactions by ascending amount.

  • dx: Sort the transactions by descending amount.

  • ad: Sort the transactions by description, ascending alphabetically.

  • dd: Sort the transactions by description, descending alphabetically.

4.3. Managing accounts: account

4.3.1. Add an account: account add

You can create a new account. Each account has a unique ID and name. You can choose to customise a description to describe the use of the account.

Format: account add n/<name> [d/<description>]


  • account add n/Japan trip
    You have created an account with the name 'Japan trip'.

  • account add n/Japan trip d/expense spent in Japan
    You have created an account with the name 'Japan trip' and description 'expense spent in Japan'.

4.3.2. List accounts: account list

If you want to see the full list of accounts you currently own, you can enter this command and a list of all accounts will be displayed.

Format: account list

4.3.3. Edit an account: account edit

You can edit the account that you think needs modifiying. You can choose to edit either the name or the description of the account, or both.

Format: account edit <id> [n/<name>] [d/<description>]

  • Edits the account with the specified index. The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed account list. The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3…​

  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.

  • Existing values will be updated to the input values.


  • account edit 1 n/food
    The name of your first account will be changed to 'food'.

  • account edit 1 d/money spent on food
    The name of your first account will be changed to 'money spent on food'.

  • account edit 1 n/food d/money spent on food
    The name of your first account will be changed to 'food', at the same time the description of the same account will be changed to 'money spent on food'.

4.3.4. Delete account: account delete

You can delete the account with the specified ID, as in account list. Note: you cannot delete an account if there are transactions associated with the account.

Format: account delete <id>

  • Deletes the account with the specified index. The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed account list. The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3…​


  • account delete 2
    You have deleted the second account in your account list.

4.3.5. Find account: account find

If you want to see a specific type of account you have, or find a specific account, you can find the account(s) with a specified keyword. A list of account(s) containing the keyword in their names will be displayed.

Format: account find <keyword>


  • account find trip
    You can see a list of accounts with the word 'trip' contained in their names.

4.3.6. View report of an account: account report

If you want to see the details of a particular account, you can choose to view the report of the specified account. The report contains the balance, the total expenses, the total income, and the categories involved in the specified account.

Format: account report <id>

  • Views the report of the account with the specified index. The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed account list. The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3…​


  • account report 2
    You can view the report of the first account.

4.3.7. Switch the active account: account switch

To switch the active account to another in the account list, specify the ID of the new account to switch to.

Format: account switch <id>

  • Switches the active account to the account with the specified index. The index refers to the index number as shown in the displayed account list. The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3…​


  • account switch 3
    You have switched the active account to the third one in the list. The active account will be highlighted in dark blue color.

4.3.8. Export the overview of all accounts: account overview

If you want to see the overview of all accounts, Budget Buddy allows you to export the overview of all accounts in a HTML file. In the overview, you are able to see the balance, the total expenses, the total income, and the categories involved in each account.

Format: account overview

Step 1. Type account overview in the command textfield input.

Step 2. Successful message displayed, and you can navigate to the exports folder in the same directory of the source file.

AccountOverview 3
Figure 2. Exports folder

Step 3. Open the HTML file in the exports folder to see the overview of all accounts.

Figure 3. HTML file

4.4. Managing loans: loan

Budget Buddy comes with the ability for you to keep track of who owes you money and exactly how much they owe you. Never again allow those small sums you lend out to accumulate into a massive pile of forgotten gold. You can also record who you owe money to, saving you the embarrassment of being publicly reminded by your loan shark friends. Finally, it can help you calculate who owes who how much when you and said friends wake in the morning after an expensive night out.

Your loans can be viewed in the Loan tab, as seen in the figure below:

Figure 4. Loans in the loan tab

4.4.1. Add a new loan: loan out|in

This command adds a new entry to the loan list in the main display panel. The loan will be inserted into an appropriate position based on the list’s current sort order. For example, if the list is sorted by amount in descending order and the new loan has the largest amount, it will appear at the top of the list.

To execute this command, type the details of the loan in the following format.

Format: loan out|in p/<person> x/<amount> [w/<date>] [d/<description>]

If a date is not provided, the loan’s date is set to the current date.


  • loan out p/John Doe x/50 w/23/04/2019
    Adds a new loan of $50 out to John Doe on the date 23/04/2019.

  • loan in p/Jane Doe x/100 d/Lent me some money for booze.
    Adds a new loan of $100 in from Jane Doe, with the description "Lent me some money for booze.".

4.4.2. List loans: loan list

This command displays the list of loans in the main display panel. Arguments can be added to sort and filter the list. The full command format with all its possible arguments is as follows.

Format: loan list [out|in|unpaid|paid …​] [p/<person> …​] [x/<amount> …​] [w/<date> …​] [d/<description> …​] [s/w|x|p]


  • Filter loans using one or two of the out, in, unpaid, paid filters. If two are used, they should not be duplicates. Contrasting filters can be used (e.g. out in) but they will be joined with logical AND, so the resulting list would be empty.

  • Filter loans by persons, amounts, dates and descriptions by adding one or more of the p/<person>, x/<amount>, w/<date>, d/<description> filters respectively.

  • If more than one filter is used, filters will be joined using logical AND. For example, loan list out p/Duke will result in the filter: loans out AND loans involving Duke.

  • Adding a new loan to the list will reset all filters. Other list operations (edit, paid/unpaid, delete) will not.


  • Sort loans by date, amount, or persons' names using s/w, s/x, or s/p respectively.

  • Sorting the list by a property when it is already sorted by that property will reverse the order of sorting (e.g. newest date first to oldest date first).


  • loan list out unpaid p/John Doe
    Lists all unpaid loans out to the person named "John Doe".

  • loan list s/p
    loan list s/p
    Lists all loans sorted by persons in alphabetical order. Then lists all loans again, but sorted by persons in reverse alphabetical order.

4.4.3. Edit loan: loan edit

This command edits the details of an existing loan in the list. Once edited, the loan will be re-sorted into an appropriate position based on its new details and the current sort order. For example, if the list is sorted by date with the newest loan first, editing the loan at the top of the list to have the oldest date will move it to the bottom of the list.

To execute this command, type the index of the loan (as seen in the main display panel) and the details to be edited in the following format.

Format: loan edit <index> [<p/person>] [x/<amount>] [d/<description>] [w/<date>]

  • The index refers to the index number shown in the currently displayed loan list. It must be a positive integer (e.g. 1, 2, 3…​).

  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.

  • Existing values will be updated to the input values.


  • loan list
    loan edit 1 x/500 d/Dude owes me so much money I can’t even.
    Lists all loans, then edits the amount and description of the first loan in the list to the given values.

4.4.4. Mark loan(s) as paid: loan paid

This command marks one or more loans in the list as paid. A paid loan can be visually distinguished by a large "tick" icon to the left of its index:

Figure 5. Tick icon for paid loans

Multiple loans can be marked at once. This can be done by specifying several indices or at least one person to target. The format of the command is as follows.

Format: loan paid [<index …​>] [<p/person …​>]

  • If a person’s name is specified, all their loans are marked as paid.

  • At least one index or person must be specified.

  • Marking an already paid loan will re-mark the loan as paid (to no visible effect).

  • If multiple indices and/or persons are targeted but an index or person cannot be found in the currently displayed list, the indices and/or persons that can be found will still be marked.


  • loan list
    loan paid 1 2 3
    Lists all loans, then marks the first three loans in the list as paid.

  • loan paid p/John p/Adam
    Marks all loans pertaining to John and Adam as paid.

4.4.5. Mark loan(s) as unpaid: loan unpaid

This command marks one or more loans in the list as unpaid. When a paid loan is marked as unpaid, its tick icon will disappear:

Figure 6. No icon for unpaid loans

This command is executed in an identical manner to loan paid. Its format is as follows.

Format: loan unpaid [<index …​>] [<p/person …​>]

4.4.6. Delete loan(s): loan delete

This command deletes one or more loans from the list. Similarly to loan paid and loan unpaid, multiple loans can be targeted at once. Its format is as follows.

Format: loan delete [<index …​>] [<p/person …​>]

4.4.7. Calculate loans: loan split

This command takes a group of persons and a list of amounts each person has paid, before calculating which persons need to pay which other persons such that the total amount paid is split equally among all the group’s members.

For example, let’s say you’re out for dinner with two friends. When the hundred-dollar bill arrives, you pay for the first sixty and one of your two friends pays for the remaining forty. The loan split command can now help you to calculate how much your two friends owe you, such that the hundred-dollar bill is split equally among you three.

This command comes with many optional arguments, all of which are explained below. The format of the command is as follows.

Format: loan split p/<person> x/<amount paid> [max/<limit>] …​ [me/<your name> [w/<date>] [d/<description>]]

  • Each <person> corresponds to an <amount paid>, representing how much the person paid for the group initially.
    The order of a person in the list should match the order of their amount paid.

Limiting a Person’s Share

  • The final amount a person ends up paying can be restricted to a <limit>.

  • The order of all limits should match the order of all persons i.e. the first <limit> in the input will correspond to the first <person>, the second <limit> the second <person>, and so on. As such, persons with limits should be placed at the head of the list. This is to allow you to enter limits only for those persons who require them.

  • The sum of all limits should not exceed the total amount paid by all persons.

Automatically Adding Debts to Your Loan List

  • Adding the optional me/ will add all debts from the resulting list to your loan list.

    <your name> must match one of the persons among the other p/<person> names.

  • Adding w/ will set the <date> of the loans added to your loan list.

  • Adding d/ will set the <description> of the loans added to your loan list.

To switch between your loan list and split list, press Ctrl+D (or Cmd+D for Mac) while on the Loan tab.

The split list will initially be empty, but once a list is calculated it will persist in the Loan tab across sessions (until a new calculation is made).


  • loan split p/John x/0 p/Mary x/40 p/Peter x/60
    Calculates the money owed between John, Mary and Peter for a scenario where (initially) Mary paid 40 and Peter paid 60. The resulting display should show that John owes Mary $6.66 and also owes Peter $26.67, as seen in the image below.

Figure 7. End result of calculations
  • loan split p/John x/0 max/10 p/Mary x/10 p/Peter x/90 me/Mary d/Dinner.
    In this scenario, Mary paid 10 and Peter paid 90. max/10 restricts the final amount John pays/owes to 10, despite the total amount being 0 + 10 + 90 = 100. Furthermore, me/Mary marks Mary as the user (you), so any debts Mary owes/is owed will be added to the normal loan list with the description Dinner.. The resulting display should show that John owes Peter $10 and You owe Peter $35, as seen below.

Figure 8. End result of more calculations

The latter debt will also have been added to your loan list, which can be checked using the command loan list or by pressing the hotkey mentioned above.

4.5. Automating with rules: rule

Introducing the Rule Engine. A way for you to automate certain actions based on a certain predicate. Spend less time typing repetitive commands, and spend more time keeping track of your expenses!

Figure 9. Rules in the rule tab

Rules have the following structure: if "predicate" is true, then perform "action". By creating a predicate which defines the condition you set, you can perform any action you create whenever a transaction is added/edited, if the transaction satisfies that condition.

All rules in the Rule Engine will be executed on a transaction, when:

  • It is a new transaction and has been successfully added into an account. OR

  • It is an existing transaction and has been successfully edited.

Figure 10. Transaction after rules were executed on it

The picture above shows a transaction added with the command:
txn dn/out x/200 d/Treat friends to buffet food!

As you can see, two of the rules from the example list of rules above were applied on the transaction, and added categories to it.

All rules will be executed from the top of the list downwards. Typically, this is the order in which the rules were added. Rules with conflicting actions will therefore be allowed.

4.5.1. Add a new rule: rule add

Adds a new rule to the rule engine. Both the predicate and action have to be specified. A rule can be formed using either expressions or scripts, or both.

Format: rule add p/<expression|script name> a/<expression|script name>

Note that scripts used in rules are not validated; make sure they are free from error. Predicate scripts that do not return a boolean will be executed, but will therefore implicitly return false. Action scripts will be executed if the predicate returns true, and any return value will be discarded.

Expression Formatting Guide:

  • Predicate: In the order of <attribute> <predicate operator> <value>

    • An attribute can be one of the following:

      • inamt : Transaction amount inwards

      • outamt : Transaction amount outwards

      • desc : Transaction description

      • date : Transaction date

    • A predicate operator can be one of the following:

      • = : Equality comparison operator

      • < , <= , >= , > : Inequality comparison operators

      • contains : Substring check operator (cannot be used on dates)

    • A value can be a number or a string of length not more than 180 characters. It can contain the following special characters:

  • Action: In the order of <action operator> [<value>]

    • An action operator can be one of the following:

      • set_cat : Adds a category to the transaction

      • remove_cat : Removes a category from the transaction

      • set_desc : Sets the description of the transaction

      • app_desc : Appends a value to the description

      • prep_desc : Prepends a value to the description

      • set_in : Sets the direction of the transaction to be inwards

      • set_out : Sets the direction of the transaction to be outwards

      • switch_direct : Switches the current direction of the transaction

    • A value is as described in a predicate expression, and is not required for set_in, set_out and switch_direct

Script Usage in Rules:

  • Scripts used in rules have access to two additional arguments:

    • The transaction to test/act upon is stored in argv[0]

    • The account that the transaction belongs to is stored in argv[1]

  • Refer to the Scripting section for general script usage.


  • rule add p/outamt >= 100 a/prep_desc [Large Spending]
    Adds a new rule that specifies that if an outward transaction has an amount more than or equal to $100, prepend the transaction’s description with "[Large Spending]".

  • rule add p/desc contains food a/set_cat Food
    Adds a new rule that specifies that if a transaction description contains "food", add the category "Food" to that transaction.

  • rule add p/IsMonthlyAllowance a/set_desc Monthly Allowance
    Adds a new rule that specifies that if the script named "IsMonthlyAllowance" returns true, change the transaction’s description to "Monthly Allowance".

4.5.2. List rules: rule list

Displays the list of all existing rules in the Rule Engine. Rules are sorted by the order in which they were added.

Format: rule list

4.5.3. Edit a rule: rule edit

Edits the specified fields in the rule with the specified ID. Both the predicate and action can be modified.

Format: rule edit <rule ID> [p/<expression|script>] [a/<expression|script>]


  • rule edit 1 p/inamt <= 10
    Edits the predicate of the first rule in the list to check if an inward transaction has an amount less than or equal to 10.

  • rule edit 4 a/set_in
    Edits the action of the 4th rule in the list to set the direction of a transaction to be inwards.

4.5.4. Delete a rule: rule delete

Deletes a rule with the specified rule ID.

Format: rule delete <rule ID>


  • rule delete 5
    Deletes the 5th rule in the list.

4.5.5. Swap two rules: rule swap

Ths will affect the execution order of the rules. Rules will be executed from the top of the list downwards.

Swaps the position of two specified rules in the Rule Engine.

Format: rule swap <rule 1 ID> <rule 2 ID>


  • rule swap 2 4
    Swaps the ordering of the 2nd rule and the 4th rule.

4.6. Scripting: script

Figure 11. Scripts in the script tab

The scripting engine allows you to evaluate arbitrary scripts to perform complex operations on your transaction data, as well as extend the application and add commands and features of your own.

The scripting language is JavaScript (specifically, ECMAScript 5.1). For more details on the scripting environment and API, see here.

Scripts have full access to the application’s internals, as well as all Java standard library classes and APIs. It is possible to corrupt the application state by execution of a malicious or buggy script. There are no guarantees on application behaviour if scripts are used.

4.6.1. Evaluate a script: script eval

Evaluates a script and displays the result, which is the last expression evaluated in the script.

Format: script eval <script>


  • script eval 1

    Evaluates to: 1

  • addTxn(1000, 'out', 'Lunch')

    Adds an out-transaction for $10 with description "Lunch".

4.6.2. Add a stored script: script add

Stores a script for future invocation. If a script with the same name already exists, that script is replaced.

Format: script add <script name> [d/<description>] [p/<file path>|s/<script>]

  • Script names may contain only alphanumeric characters, underscores, and dashes.

  • Script names are case-sensitive.

  • The file path may be absolute or relative. If it is relative, it is relative to the current working directory of Budget Buddy.

    • If you launched Budget Buddy from the command line, the current working directory starts from the directory your shell was in.

    • If you launched Budget Buddy by double-clicking the JAR file, the current working directory is typically the directory the JAR file is in.

    • There is no command that changes the current working directory, but a script may have done that.

  • If neither a file path nor the script code is given, a file picker is opened for you to select the script file.

The script is not checked for correctness before it is stored. Any syntax errors will be reported only when the script is run.


  • script add hello-world s/"Hello world!"

    Adds a script named hello-world that simply results in "Hello world!" being printed.

  • script add add-transport d/Adds today’s transport fare.

    Adds a script named add-transport with description "Adds today’s transport fare.". A file picker is opened for you to select the script file.

4.6.3. Delete a stored script: script delete

Deletes a previously-stored script.

Format: script delete <script name>

  • Script names are case-sensitive.

4.6.4. Run a stored script: script run

Runs a previously-stored script and displays the result, which is the last expression evaluated in the script.

Format: script run <script name> [<argument>]

  • Script names are case-sensitive.

  • The script is run in the current script environment, which may contain variables from previous scripts that have run.

  • The argument is the rest of the input after the script name, and is passed to the script as a single string.


  • script run add-transport

    Runs the script named add-transport. argv is an empty array.

  • script run echo Hello world!

    Runs the script named echo, with argv[0] set to "Hello world!".

4.6.5. List stored scripts: script list

Lists stored scripts.

Format: script list

4.6.6. Reset the scripting environment: script reset

Resets the scripting environment. This clears all previously defined variables, and restores all global variables and functions that may have been modified by scripts.

Format: script reset

5. Coming in v2.0

Look forward to these features coming up in version 2.0 of Budget Buddy!

5.1. Managing budgets (coming in v2.0): budget

Budgets allow you to keep track of your spending limits! See how much money you still have left for the week, month, or year! With budgets, you can plan out your expenses easier than ever.

5.1.1. View budgets: budget list

Views the list of budgets currently stored. All budgets within the specified period will be displayed.

Format: budget list [f/<from date> t/<to date>|p/<this month|last month|this week|last week|today|yesterday>]

5.1.2. Add budgets: budget add

This command adds a new budget of a certain amount, with the specified date range or period.

Format: budget add x/<amount> [f/<from date> t/<to date>|p/<this month|last month|this week|last week|today|yesterday>]

5.1.3. Remove budgets: budget delete

This command removes a budget from the list given the budget ID.

Format: budget delete <budget ID>

5.2. Goal setting (coming in v2.0): goal

5.2.1. Add a goal: goal add

Adds a goal on the specified account to reach the specified amount by the target date or at the end of the specified period.

5.2.3. Delete goal(s): goal delete

Deletes the goal with the specified goal ID.

5.3. Managing categories (coming in v2.0): category

5.3.1. Add a category

Categories do not need to be added; you can simply use the category name and a new category will be created if no such one exists.

5.3.3. Rename a category: category rename

Renames the specified category. Note that this is the same as setting the category of all transactions of category old name to new name.

Format: category rename o/<old name> n/<new name>

5.3.4. Delete a category: category delete

Deletes the specified category. Note that this is the same as un-categorising all transactions under the specified category.

Format: category delete n/<name>

5.4. Viewing reports (coming in v2.0): report

Displays a report of every statistic recorded in Budget Buddy.

Format: report [[f/<from date>] [t/<to date>] | [p/<this month|last month|this week|last week|today|yesterday>]] [total|category]

  • You can specify either the start and end date range, inclusive, or name a period. If no period is specified, it defaults to the current month-to-date.

  • You can see a total report that shows your total income and expenditure and budget information, if a budget has been set up, or a report that breaks your income and expenditure down into categories. If the type is omitted, it defaults to a total report.

  • Your goal progress will also be shown in both reports.

5.5. Aliases (coming in v2.0): alias

5.5.1. Add an alias: alias add

Adds an alias.

Format: alias add <alias name> c/<alias replacement>

  • When executed, the alias name will be replaced by the replacement, and the resulting input executed.

    • For example, suppose you add an alias named abcd efgh 7890, with replacement script run x.

    • Executing abcd efgh 7890 abcd is equivalent to executing script run x abcd.

  • The alias name must appear at the start of an input, followed by a space, for it to be recognised.

  • There is no restriction on the characters in the alias name. However, leading and trailing whitespace will be trimmed.

  • Aliases can expand to other aliases.

Built-in commands take precedence. If you add an alias with the same name as a built-in command, it will have no effect.

5.5.2. Delete an alias: alias delete

Deletes an alias.

Format: alias delete <alias name>

5.6. Import and export (coming in v2.0): import, export

5.6.1. Import a file: import

Imports transactions from the file at the given path.

Format: import [f/<format>] [p/<file path>]

  • The file path can be relative to where you launched Budget Buddy from, or absolute. If the path is omitted, a file browser is opened for you to select the file.

  • Format is one of DBS (DBS Bank/POSB), OCBC (OCBC Bank), SC (Standard Chartered), or CSV (generic comma-separated values file). If the format is omitted, automatic detection is attempted.

5.6.2. Export transactions: export

Exports all transactions to the given path.

Format: export [p/<file path>]

  • The file path can be relative to where you launched Budget Buddy from, or absolute. If the path is omitted, a file browser is opened for you to select where to save the file.

  • The file is a comma-separated values file.

5.7. Getting help with specific commands (coming in v2.0): help

Displays detailed help for a specific command.

Format: help <command word>

6. Scripting API

The Nashorn scripting engine is used. All features and Java class access of the Nashorn engine are available. See the Nashorn documentation for more details.

Budget Buddy defines a few global variables and functions to ease script writing. These are documented below.

Due to the nature of JavaScript, scripts may modify these variables and functions. To reset the script environment, use the script reset command.

6.1. Global variables

The following global variables are predefined in the script environment.

  • bb: The application’s model, of type ModelManager.

    Modifying data through the model directly can result in inconsistent state, or corrupted data. Where possible, you are strongly recommended to use the helper functions documented below.

    To discourage use of bb, the API is intentionally left undocumented. You may refer to the Java source code if you wish to use bb.

6.2. Functions

The following helper functions are predefined in the script environment.

Function signatures

Function signatures specified below are in the following format:

functionName(parameter1, parameter2, { optionalParameter1, optionalParameter2 }) → ReturnType

Optional arguments should be given as a single JavaScript object. For example, for the above signature:

functionName("argument 1", "argument 2", { optionalParameter1: "optional argument 1" })


  • If the type starts with a capital letter e.g. Account, it is a Java type.

  • If the type starts with a lowercase letter e.g. number, it is a JavaScript primitive.

  • If the type is [Type], it is an array of Type.

  • If a function’s return type is unspecified, the function does not return a value.

6.2.1. Account functions

  • refreshAccountView()

    Refreshes the account list after accounts have been added, modified or deleted. This does not activate the account tab.

  • getAccounts() → List<Account>

    Gets the list of all accounts.

  • getShownAccounts() → List<Account>

    Gets the list of accounts currently shown in the accounts tab. (This depends on the previous execution of the command account find.)

  • getActiveAccount() → Account

    Gets the current active account.

  • setActiveAccount(index) → Account

    Sets the current active account.


    • index: the zero-based index of the account, as in getShownAccounts()

  • getAccount(nameOrIndex) → Account

    Gets an account by name or index.


    • nameOrIndex: the zero-based index of the account, as in getAccounts(), or the account’s name (case-sensitive) as a string

  • getShownAccount(index) → Account

    Gets an account by index.


    • index: the zero-based index of the account, as in getShownAccounts()

  • addAccount(name, description) → Account

    Adds an account with the given name and description.


    • name: the name of the account, as a string

    • description: the description of the account, as a string

  • morphAccount(oldAccount, { name, description }) → Account

    Returns a new Account that is the same as oldAccount except for the specified properties changed.


    • oldAccount: the Account to morph

    • The remaining parameters are as in addAccount.

    • If a parameter is not specified, then the associated property is not changed.

  • editAccount(nameOrIndex, { name, description }) → Account

    Edits the specified account, changing the specified properties, and returns the edited account.


    • nameOrIndex: the zero-based index of the account, as in getAccounts(), or the account’s name (case-sensitive) as a string

    • The remaining parameters are as in addAccount.

    • If a parameter is not specified, then the associated property is not changed.

  • deleteAccount(nameOrIndex)

    Deletes the specified account.


    • nameOrIndex: the zero-based index of the account, as in getAccounts(), or the account’s name (case-sensitive) as a string

  • accountName(account) → string

    Gets the account’s name.

  • accountDescription(account) → string

    Gets the account’s description.

  • accountBalance(account) → number

    Gets the account’s balance, in cents.

  • accountTxns(account) → List<Transaction>

    Gets the list of transactions of the account.

6.2.2. Transaction functions

  • refreshTxnView()

    Refreshes the transaction list after transactions have been added, modified or deleted. This does not activate the transaction tab.

  • addTxn(amount, direction, description, { account, date, categories }) → Transaction

    Adds a transaction with the given information.


    • amount: the amount in cents as a number

    • direction: the direction, either 'IN' or 'OUT'

    • description: the description as a string

    • account: the Account to add the transaction to; defaults to getActiveAccount()

    • date: the date of the transaction, either as a LocalDate or a string parsable by parseDate; defaults to today’s date

    • categories: the categories of the transaction, as an array of string; defaults to empty

  • morphTxn(oldTxn, { amount, direction, description, date, categories }) → Transaction

    Returns a new Transaction that is the same as oldTxn except for the specified properties changed.


    • oldTxn: the Transaction to morph

    • The remaining parameters are as in addTxn.

    • If a parameter is not specified, then the associated property is not changed.

  • editTxn(account, oldTxn, { amount, direction, description, date, categories }) → Transaction

    Edits the given transaction, changing the specified properties, and returns the edited transaction.


    • account: the Account containing oldTxn

    • oldTxn: the Transaction to edit

    • The remaining parameters are as in addTxn.

    • If a parameter is not specified, then the associated property is not changed.

  • deleteTxn(account, txn)

    Deletes the given transaction from the given account.

  • getShownTxn(index) → Transaction

    Gets a transaction by index.


    • index: the zero-based index of the transaction, as in getShownTxns()

  • editShownTxn(index, { amount, direction, description, date, categories }) → Transaction

    Edits a transaction, changing the specified properties, and returns the edited transaction.


    • index: the zero-based index of the transaction, as in getShownTxns()

    • The remaining parameters are as in addTxn.

    • If a parameter is not specified, then the associated property is not changed.

  • deleteShownTxn(index)

    Deletes a transaction.


    • index: the zero-based index of the transaction, as in getShownTxns()

  • getShownTxns() → List<Transaction>

    Gets the list of transactions currently shown in the transactions tab. (This depends on the current active account as well as the last time the view was refreshed.)

  • txnAmount(txn) → number

    Gets the amount of the transaction, in cents.

  • txnDescription(txn) → string

    Gets the description of the transaction.

  • txnDate(txn) → LocalDate

    Gets the date of the transaction.

  • txnDirection(txn) → string ("IN" | "OUT")

    Gets the direction of the transaction.

  • txnCategories(txn) → [string]

    Gets the categories the transaction is in, as an array of strings.

6.2.3. Loan functions

  • addLoan(amount, direction, person, { description, date, paid }) → Loan

    Adds a loan with the given information.


    • amount: the amount in cents as a number

    • direction: the direction, either 'IN' or 'OUT'

    • person: the name of the other party as a string

    • description: the description as a string; defaults to empty

    • date: the date of the loan, either as a LocalDate or a string parsable by parseDate; defaults to today’s date

    • paid: whether the loan is paid; either true or false; defaults to false

  • morphLoan(loan, { amount, direction, person, description, date, paid }) → Loan

    Returns a new Loan that is the same as loan except for the specified properties changed.


    • loan: the Loan to morph

    • The remaining parameters are as in addLoan.

    • If a parameter is not specified, then the associated property is not changed.

  • editShownLoan(index, { amount, direction, person, description, date, paid }) → Loan

    Edits the given loan, changing the specified properties, and returns the edited loan.


    • index: the zero-based index of the transaction, as in getShownLoans()

    • The remaining parameters are as in addLoan.

    • If a parameter is not specified, then the associated property is not changed.

  • deleteShownLoan(index)

    Deletes the specified loan.


    • index: the zero-based index of the transaction, as in getShownLoans()

  • getShownLoans() → List<Loan>

    Gets the loans currently shown in the loans tab. (This depends on the previous execution of the command loan list.)

  • getLoans() → List<Loan>

    Gets all loans.

  • loanAmount(loan) → number

    Gets the amount in cents of the loan.

  • loanDirection(loan) → string ("IN" | "OUT")

    Gets the direction of the loan.

  • loanPerson(loan) → string

    Gets the name of the other party in the loan.

  • loanDate(loan) → LocalDate

    Gets the date of the loan.

  • loanDescription(loan) → string

    Gets the loan’s description.

  • loanIsPaid(loan) → boolean

    Returns true if the loan is paid; false otherwise.

6.2.4. Miscellaneous functions

  • parseDate(date) → LocalDate

    Parses a date.


    • date: The date, as a string in the format d/M/yyyy, e.g. "1/1/2011"

  • makeDate(year, month, day) → LocalDate

    Constructs a date from the year, month and day, passed as numbers.

  • showAlert(title, message)

    Shows an alert dialog and waits for the user to dismiss the dialog.

  • executeCommand(command) → CommandResult

    Executes a command.

    This may only be executed from the JavaFX application thread. Behaviour is undefined if this is called from a background thread.

    While Budget Buddy does not by itself run commands from background threads, scripts are free to create threads.


    • command: The command, as a string.

      You are recommended not to use this, where possible, and instead use the other helper functions documented above.

      Use of this function may result in undefined behaviour.

7. FAQ

Q: Which version of Java do I require to run this application?

A: Java 11

Q: How do I switch between the different tabs without clicking on them?

A: Simply execute the list command for that category, e.g. rule list. Executing any command from that category will switch you over as well. You can also use the hotkey Ctrl+D to jump between consecutive tabs in the list.

Q: How do I reset the application data?

A: All data is stored within the same folder as your execution path, under the data/ folder. Deleting that folder will reset the application data upon rebooting the application.

8. Command Summary

8.1. Help

  • help - Get the link to the user guide

8.2. Transactions

  • txn out|in - Add a new transaction

  • txn list - List transactions for the active account

  • txn edit - Edit a transaction

  • txn delete - Delete a transaction

8.3. Accounts

  • account add - Add a new account

  • account list - List accounts

  • account switch - Switch the current active account

  • account edit - Edit an account

  • account find - Find accounts

  • account report - Print a report of an account

  • account overview - Export HTML overview of all accounts

  • account delete - Delete an account

8.4. Loans

  • loan out|in - Add a new loan

  • loan list - List loans

  • loan edit - Edit a loan

  • loan paid - Mark loan(s) as paid

  • loan unpaid - Mark loan(s) as unpaid

  • loan delete - Delete loan(s)

  • loan split - Split a bill

8.5. Rules

  • rule add - Add a new rule

  • rule list - List rules

  • rule swap - Swap rule positions

  • rule edit - Edit a rule

  • rule delete - Delete a rule

8.6. Script

  • script eval - Evaluate a script

  • script add - Add a script

  • script list - List scripts

  • script run - Run an added script

  • script delete - Delete a script

  • script reset - Reset the scripting environment